Sunday, March 25, 2007

300 Havaianas!

Earlier, Karen and I went to the Power Plant Mall in Rockwell for the make your own havaianas. Thanks to Selle, we would not have know of this event.Ü I wanted to just stay at home and rest every Sunday but I do not think Karen would allow to let this event pass. :)

I told her that we should leave early because there would only be a limited number of people who would be allowed inside the event area. I didn't want to wait in line because I knew that it would take Karen some time to make her own havaianas. We were lucky that one of the attendants helped us out and told us which were already out of stock. We also texted Selle to inform her of the colors that were out of stock for her size.

Check out the people

Karen was looking forward to seeing more options/designs to be included but as I expected, they only had the plain colored soles and the regular sized straps. The only difference would be the pins that can be added to the slippers, i mean, flip-flops (I can already here Selle... "They are not slippers, they're flip-flops!Ü) you picked. While we were waiting for the havaianas to be made, the guy who attended to us suggested to use a flower pin on one of Karen's havaianas. All she said was, "ayy... masyadong girlie!" Upon hearing that, the attended then suggested the skull for a pin. It was also what I told her before that when I saw the pins that were being sold. :)

Karen showing off her newest pairs of havaianas

We then went to Burgoo to have our lunch before watching The Movie 300. Karen ordered the Fettuccine Carbonara while I had the Baked Cheesy Beef Macaroni. I also ordered their Tender Chicken Fingers as an appetizer.

Fetticcine Carbonara

Baked Cheesy Beef Macaroni and Tender Chicken Fingers

It was Karen's first time to eat at Burgoo and I think she was a bit excited about drawing on the cartolina with some crayons.Ü

Karen drawing a guitar at Burgoo

After eating, I wanted to see if Selle and Resty were still in the event. I called Selle and Resty's cellphone and had them look up and let them know where we were. I have to say that I was shocked to see that Selle bought only one pair! GOOD JOB RESTY! Hehehe After Karen and Selle shared their experiences while inside the event we went inside the cinema to watch the movie 300. I've been waiting for this movie eversince I saw a preview of it. I saw it having some similarities with the PS2 game God of War. At least on the blood and gore part.Ü Watching it in Rockwell was well worth it and I can't wait to have a DVD of it so I can watch it anytime I want at home. It also made me want to play the game God of War 2 more! I just hope I can still control myself once I start so I can still get enough sleep.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Shift PG

Shift PG held its GA at Leslie's Tagaytay last Tuesday, March 20. TL Darrel was assigned to organize the GA during our last shift huddle and since we could not have an overnight thing and the easiest GA to setup was to eat, TL Da made it a bit interesting by having the GA in Tagaytay. Kainan pa rin pero para lang maiba, out of town naman.

Boss Amel was scheduled to meet up with the rest of the TLs in the office at 7am. I asked Darrel if I could go home first since I log out at 5am and my house was almost along the way so I could just meet up with them somewhere south. Plus I had to bring my camera because I only knew about the GA Monday night. Good thing I went home first because Boss Amel was late and I was able to sneak in some sleep.Ü I met up with the rest of the team at Shell in SLEX. TL Da and TL Berns joined me on the way to Leslie's and since most of us came from our shift the night before, TL Da also slept for a few minutes on the way to Leslie's and I think he had a good nap before someone texted him and woke him up.

When we got there, all I could think of was, "Sizzling Bulalo here I come!" It was at Leslie's that I first heard of a sizzling bulalo and it seems that I was not the only one who never knew about the sizzling bulalo. When Boss Amel asked us what we wanted to eat and I said I wanted sizzling bulalo, TL Karen and someone else (I couldn't remember who) said, "Meron ba non?" I told them that they should try it. This was a staple food whenever I eat at Leslie's. I even introduced it to Barry and Selle when we ate there about a year ago. I actually cannot decide if what we ate was good or bad. Well, it tasted good but check out the menu: 2 sizzling bulalos, 2 regular bulalos, pork sisig, crispy pata and 2 sampler platters (which includes tahong, tilapia, liempo, chicken bbq, squid and couple of prawns). "Waiter, marunong ba kayo magcheck ng BP?" :) We were kidding Boss Amel that she should expect a few text messages from her TLs who still had work Tuesday night telling her that they might not be able to come to work because of high blood pressure.

We were all so full and yet we still had some food left that we had to ask the waiter to pack them so Darrel could take it to Galera as pulutan. Thanks Boss Amel for the GA! Hopefully, next month we can have a grand GA. How does sand, beach, food and beer sound to you?Ü



TL Doods, TL Gerry, TL Karen and TL Joems, Boss Amel, TL Darrel, TL Berns

Monday, March 19, 2007

A Special Day

Yesterday was a special day for two people. Dave and Anne's baby, Via, was baptized at the St. Peregrine Church at Tunasan, Muntinlupa. Also, March 18 is Karen's birthday! I really did not have much money to spend this weekend because of several obligations that I need to take care of. The most that I could muster was to treat her out to lunch at North Park. I had several other ideas to celebrate her birthday but alas, they did not really go as planned. The day before her birthday after picking her up from Las Piñas, we went to the Salcedo weekend market and bought her a mango cake. I also ordered turtle mud pie and a mud pie. I think, they got confused with the cakes I ordered and they were not able to include the mango cake that Karen wanted. Malas di ba?!? After lunch, we went to the All Flip-Flops shop near Serendra. I wanted to buy Karen a pair of Havaianas. I know she loves those Cartunistas but I thought she might want another pair so I had her choose what she wanted. Guess what? The only size that they have available for her were the Brazilian Flag, the plain white one and the Green Camo. I personally did not really like those designs. We asked the attendant there and he said that the others would be available by the last week of March. After hearing the bad news we decided to go home and just rest for the day. It was also very hot last Saturday and Karen was really having trouble coping with the heat. I felt bad with all the plans I had not going well.

To make matters worse, I did not feel well probably due to the scorching heat and quick changing wheather last Sunday before going to baby Via's baptism. I was hoping to also use Via's baptism as a way to get a little get-together for the Tropatups and greet Karen on her birthday. With luck, bad luck that is, Selle, Resty, Kathy and Barry were not able to make it. I have to admit that I was a bit hurt when Selle texted that she could not make it because she was not only going to Via's baptism as a Ninang, she was also going to see Karen on her birthday. Nakakatampo lang... I've been stood up twice now, at least to my recollection. I guess I just expected her to come thinking that we already agreed the night before.

I just made the best out of the day and made Via's Christening a memorable one by taking pictures of an important event in her young life. I wanted to take more pictures but I was really having a hard time breathing not to mention the people who kept on getting in the way of my shot. I think the priest was also a bit camera shy covering some of my shots. It was also the first baptism I attended that the priest lectured about the importance of baptism and what it was really about. It was very enlightening. Dave's camera was also not cooperating with them because of its battery.

Welcome to the Christian World Via! May the Lord keep you and all the people around you blessed with the love of God.

Strike a Pose Via!Ü

Pose like your in a call!Ü

The Ninongs and Ninangs

Via and Mommy with the Ninangs

Via and Daddy with the Ninongs

The birthday girl!Ü Happy Birthday LOVE! MWAH!Ü

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yummy Delfi!

Just wanted to share about one of the best chocolates I have ever tasted. When Karen and I went to Fuego, Nasugbu, Batangas for Rhayan's birthday Jhen gave Karen a box of Delfi Treasures Cookies 'n Cream. I first I was hesitant to let Karen eat them because I know sweets are bad for her throat because of her acute pharyngitis. However, I could not resist Karen's look when she showed me how much she wanted to eat the box of chocolates so I said yes. When she opened the box, the chocolates were very well placed inside the box. Nilagyan ng arte para lalong magmukhang masarap!Ü I tried my best not to eat the damn thing but once Karen said that they were delicious and said that they were not too sweet, the urge of eating one came over me and I quickly gave in! (Bad Pacs!Ü) Happy to say, that she was right! Eventhough, we didn't place them in the refrigerator, they were still hard enough to be held and the cruchiness of the cookies added and little extra uummm...!!! to it that I quickly closed the box and said to Karen that it was the first and the last for the day!Ü Good thing she agreed or else I would have eaten more than I should have! I'm already thinking of texting Jhen where I can buy more of the darn chocolates and then share it with my best eating buddy, Selle.Ü Hopefully, I can control myself long enough for my body to keep pace with my bloodsugar. I have got to start doing some exercise to lose weight and get fit for the summer! Flex, hope you can give me some of the exercises you are doing!Ü

Huli Kha!Ü

If you want to know more about Delfi, you can check out their website, Delfi Cocoa. Although, I was quite disappointed since their site did not really show much of the products they make. I guess, that is also a good thing for me... To lessen the temptations.Ü

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Punta Fuego

Last Saturday, Rhayan (one of Karen's college friends) celebrated his birthday at Punta Fuego in Nasugbu, Batangas. They took advantage of this chance to also have a long overdue get together. I was also excited to finally meet her college friends as well as see Punta Fuego's beach and infinity pool.

Good thing I was on a 4 day rest (2 days leave plus 2 days off) or else we would not have been able to join them. I also filed for leave to attend my high school friend, Ochie's wedding last Thursday and planned to use the rest of the days to just rest and get my health and energy level back up because of the stress from work and the seemingly unending weddings and gimmicks I've had the past weekends. But I couldn't let the chance for Karen to see her old friends again pass. The trip almost did not happen because those who said yes in going to Fuego were backing out because of personal reasons. If not for Jhen getting upset at them and telling them that she would still be going with or without them. Way to go Jhen! hehe

Karen and I met Jhen and JM at McDonald's Sucat past 7am. We were thinking that it would take them some time to get there since Jhen and JM were coming from the north but because it was Saturday early morning, there was no traffic. We then had to wait for Nel because she texted us late saying that she had to do OT because of the heavy queue they were getting. Jhen, JM and Kha were starting to get annoyed not just because of the late text but because Nel still had to go home and pack her stuff since she was not able to do so the night before. It almost came to a point where they would just lend her clothes and probably but her swimsuit and underware along the way! Excited aren't we?Ü But because Kha, Jhen and JM had such kind hearts, we accompanied Nel to her place and waited for her to get her clothes. It's ok Nel! At least you still went with us even if you haven't slept a single wink.Ü We then proceeded to Nick's place and just use one van to go to Fuego. There, we met Noemi (Nick's wife), Nicole (their daughter), Mike and Gavin (Mike's son).

The trip was a little bit rough because Nick was trying to speed it up since we planned to go home sometime in the afternoon and not stay overnight. Noemi had to take care of baby Lanze and Nel still had a shift Saturday night. Karen and I also wanted to go home the same day since we know that staying overnight meant us drinking and staying up late which was the least that I wanted to do in order to get some much needed rest. Upon getting there, Rhayan had their helpers prepare some lunch for us since we got there around lunch time. Afterwards, we then went to the beach and they all went for a dip except me. I wanted to take pictures rather than swim at that time. Karen is not really a beach person and wanted to go to the infinity pool right away. Unfortunately for her, we only transferred to the infinity pool some time 2pm because they were all enjoying the beach. I was also enjoying taking pictures of them and the beach. If only I could bring my camera to the water, I would!Ü Check out some of the photos I took of the beach.

A try at photostiching

From Left to Right: JM, Rhayan, Jhen, Kha, Nick, Nicole, Noemi, Nel, Mike and Gavin

Karen's College Barkada

Photo taken by Nick

Beach Beauties

When we transferred to the infinity pool, I also just wanted to take pictures but Karen insisted that I take a dip and so I did. There was nothing really extra ordinary about swimming in an infinity pool except for the illusion that it gives when you look at it from the outside. If you are not familiar on how an infinity pool looks like, check out the photos I took!Ü

The buds on their way to the infinity pool

KhaPacs (photo taken by Nick)

Candid ba talaga to?Ü

Love enjoying the pool

Love with the Fuego Sunset by the infinity pool

We had so much fun, maybe except for Mike who was constantly running around and watching over his son, Gavin. I kinda felt sorry for Mike because he really did not want bring Gavin along because he knew how "kulit" Gavin was and he was just forced by Nick to do so. Though, I'm he's also happy that he got to spend some quality time with his son during that day. I hope to get to spend time with them again soon. We really didn't get to talk much and get to know each other but I know that they are good people and I had fun being with them. See Karen happy with her friends is the proverbial icing on the cake.Ü

Here are the rest of the photos I took. Some of the shots were taken by Nick who is also into photography. Nick, maybe the next time we go on you are already using a DSLR!Ü Thanks again for everything guys!

Model Love

Jhen and Nel

Kha, Noemi, Nel and Jhen (Our beauties!Ü)

Fuego sunset by the infinity pool

The birthday boy, Rhayan

Happy Birthday Rhayan!

Monday, March 05, 2007

A Night with Some Palawan Friends

Last night, I accompanied Karen to Music 21 Plaza in Malate and meet her long time Palawan friends, Gracey, Wel and Kits. Gracey just got back from UK which brought them to have a get together. I was hoping to just stay at home yesterday since I was a little tired from working and because I had very little sleep before Ryan's wedding. I will post about his wedding soon.Ü I was also kind of hesitant to go because I was not very familiar with Malate but when Karen said that she wanted to see them, I decided to go ahead and have her see them since it has been years since they last saw each other.

When we got there, Grace was outside talking on the phone and as soon as we got to the room, they all screamed upon seeing each other! For a moment I felt like my ears were going to pop because they were sooo loud that the microphones inside the room was amplifying them! I actually recognize Wel because she viewed me on Friendster. They were a very nice and funny bunch. And because they more into a talking mood to catch up on their lives, they decided to go to Starbucks and just talk the night away.

Thank you to Manang Kits, Gracey and Wel for the wonderful night and making my Love extra happy yesterday!Ü

Gracey, Kha, Manang Kits and Wel