Monday, February 26, 2007

Princess Jasmine

Last Saturday, my family together with Karen watched my niece play the role of Princess Jasmine in Aladdin for their school play. It was supposed to start at 6PM but being the kids that they were. It was difficult for the teachers to get them to stay in one place for a long time while waiting for the rest of the cast to finish up on their costumes and make up. There was a kid who's parents were seated in front of us who kept on saying, "Oh! Ayan nanaman sa salabas yung anak mo! Kanina pa labas-pasok ng back stage."Ü

It was a simple play that the teacher at San Lorenzo school in San Pedro, Laguna produced. I think I was also expecting too much from the kids thinking that Aubrey, my niece, at age 6 would already be able to memorize all of the lines together with the rest of the cast. The teachers were way ahead of me and thought of just having narrators do the lines of the characters. Somewhat like dubbing for foreign telenovelas. And if you are familiar with the antics of comedy shows when they act out what the narrators say, it was what these kids were doing, only they do not mean to make fun of the play. There was an instance were the character Jaffar was almost about the leave the stage and narrator kept on doing the evil laugh! It was so cute and funny that I found it hard at times to take photos because I was laughing so hard that I even had trouble holding my camera still! I had a blast watching them acting out their roles. Check out some of the pictures I took.

Aubrey's Tarpaulin

Aubrey as Princess Jasmine

Aladdin with Jasmine disguised as a peasant

On A Magic Carpet Ride

The Cast of Aladdin

Congratulations Aubrey for a successful play! We are all proud of you! :D

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