Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Baby Lanze Nicholai Christening

The day after Gerrylou's wedding, Karen and I went to Nick and Noemi, her college friends for the Christening of their newest baby, Baby Lanze Nicholai. We didn't get enough sleep the night before so we were only able to proceed to the reception. I wanted to go because I wanted Karen to see her college friends again. I also wanted to meet them. Although not all of her friends were there, I was able to meet Nick, Noemi, Jhen and Mike. Maybe next time, I'll be able to meet all of them.

Welcome to the Christian world Lanze Nicholai!

Tita Karen and Ninang Jhen with Baby Lanze and Mommy

Mommy and Daddy with Baby Lanze

Jhen, Kha and Noemi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pacs, Thanks for coming, nice pics! arbor ko na tong copies ha...:)