Friday, December 22, 2006

PC Trouble

Been having trouble with the new computer I just built. Sadly, the first time I set everything up, the system would not complete POST (Power On Self Test). Had to bring it back to PCOptions twice for a processor replacement. They suggested that I use the boxed HSF that went with the processor because they think the Hyper 6+ is causing the processor to fail due its size and weight. I took their suggestion to try and see. It worked and I was able to have a display on my LCD.

Unfortunately, I am unable to install windows in it because it either restarts, hangs or gives me a BSOD! Its actually starting to annoy me. The only thing that’s keeping me from smashing it with a sledgehammer is the fact that its still under warranty. I hope that its not hardware related and it just needs to have the correct BIOS settings but I was not lucky to see something from the web that would really help set just the normal settings. Most computer lovers (sounds better that computer geeks, right?) overclock their PCs. I’m not into that since it usually causes more heat and stresses the computer more. Hopefully, I was able to still pick up something during my research and some additional help from DSN to get this fixed.

That’s it for now. I might get caught blogging in the office.Ü

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