Friday, December 22, 2006


I'm finally blogging at home but unfortunately, its not with the new pc... I reconnected the old one to try out which component is causing my new one not to work right. With the processor ok, only parts left to check out were the memory and the motherboard. Since I do not have an extra motherboard, I tried swapping the memory modules of the old pc and the new one. Guess the new memory module works since I am able to use the old one but the new one is still messed up even if I used the old memory. I've had this problem before and adjusting the BIOS fixed it. The BIOS before were a lot simpler compared to the new one so either the motherboard is really defective or I just can't figure out the right settings for the BIOS.

Hope I can figure it out soon! I do not want to go back to Gilmore because of the very busy weekend with the Christening and Children's Birthday party Karen and I have to attend. Not to mention that I have yet to shop for Christmas gifts! :)


Making sure I get to greet you just in case my computer is still down. :(

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