Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Crazy, sinful and expensive week

This past week has been very crazy for me. Last Tuesday til Wednesday, I went on leave to accompany Karen and Che because Che will be leaving for the US for a long time. Unfortunately, Karen's health was not getting better so instead of seeing Che before she leaves for the states, Karen ended up staying in the hospital fro 24 hours (policy of her HMO) to undergo endoscopy (which only took 3 mins! She waited for the doctor far longer than that!). My fever also came back together with my tonsilitis come Thursday which caused me to be absent from work. Stress can really be a pain in the butt! Good thing the rest was enough to regain my strength the following day.

While at work, I was telling Selle that I wanted to go to Gilmore after shift to try and finish buying the parts for my new computer. Selle wanted to go with me because the memory module she bought there was not working on their pc. During this time, food also came in as a very enticing topic. We have been planning to go Krispy Kreme eversince its opening day. We thought that this would be the day that we could go there. So we did!Ü On the way to Krispy Kreme at The Fort near Serendra, Selle noticed her "heavenly" All Flip Flops Store. Karen being a Havaianas lover herself also wanted to go inside to "look" around. Selle immediately noticed the Christmas limited edition and asked if they had her size. Karen also liked the design. She initially did not want to buy it because she did not have the money so I decided to buy it for her as my Christmas gift!Ü Hope you like it Love!ÜÜÜ

Karen showing off her Havaianas and the cute keychain that came with the Havaianas

Karen's Havaianas and The Face Shop Lotion

We then went to Krispy Kreme to see what the "hype" was all about. Fortunately for us, the line was not long that day plus we were given free doughnuts! I have to say that their glazed doughnuts are really good. Its not too sweet which was good since I was still recupperating from my tonsilitis.

Karen having a bite

Karen and Selle at Krispy Kreme

Glazed Dozen Doughnuts and Assorted Dozen Doughnuts

On our way back to the car, Selle could not resist going inside The Face Shop, again, just to take a "look" inside. Imagine a little child going inside Toys R' Us... That should be enough to describe Selle's feeling that time. Am I right, Selle? HeeÜ It was a nice shop and Karen bought a nice very fragrant (but not irritating for my nose) lotion. I also love the perfume she tried! Maybe this weekend we can go back there so she can buy the perfume.

After Selle's shopping spree there we went to their studio, One Click Digital Photo Express.Ü In all honesty, the place was small but it was just right for their business plus it was incredibly well designed! They really did a great job decorating the place. Resty even took our photo there and gave us a free copy! Thanks Resty and Selle!Ü (Yes, Selle, I believe that there is such as thing as a SINTRA board!Ü)

One Click Digital Photo Express

SINTRA Board inside the studio

Karen (shot at One Click Digital Photo Express. Resty did a better job with the editing.Ü)

Photo taken by Resty

Finally, it was my time to do my shopping!Ü We then went to Gilmore, home to a lot of computer shops. I already bought my mobo and proc the week before and now I was looking to buy a couple of hard drives, a case, power supply, HSF and a video card. Good thing the hard drives I wanted was out of stock or else because I was not able to bring enough money for all of those parts! Hehe We also met Barry and Kathy there. One month after Barry left the team for his LDP, it was nice to see each other again.

Afterwards,we went to JT's Manukan for some chow. The place was very simple and looks like just an ordinary carinderia but the food was awesome! I definitely, want to go back there and try out the rest of the menu. (Check out Barry's blog for more information about the place.)

Barry, Kathy, Selle and Karen

JT's Manukan

It was such a long Saturday that Karen and I spent our Sunday resting at home sleeping and watching TV. Actually, Karen was the one resting while I was busy trying to figure out how to mount my HUGE HSF and put my pc together or at least, the parts that I already have.Ü

But wait, there's more! Come Monday, I could not resist the tempting AOC trade in offer. Several computer shops joined some charity fund raising public schools where in you can trade any old CRT monitor for a trade in value of Php2000 and purchase a 19" AOC 193FW LCD! Considering the ergonomics of an LCD and its power consumption compared to a CRT. I felt that it was a good deal! I now have a very roomy computer table plus I'm saving power! I just have to get used to the wide display.Ü

We went to ATC to have out lunch and while walking to the food court we saw Arianne and Sheila. They were on their way to the All Flip Flops store in ATC. When we got there the first thing I did was to look if the pair I bought Kha was also there> I think it was really a good decision that we bought that pair because it was not available in that branch. Karen also wanted to buy some new blouses and while on our way to the stall she usually buys from we stopped over a magazine stall where we bought a couple of wedding magazines for her cousin's wedding. We also bought a Care Bear to pair up with the one we bought a long time ago. Karen has named them Karingking (Tenderheart) and Pacasoy (Champ Bear)! See how cute they are!Ü


Pacasoy and Karingking

This weekend might be another shopping weekend. Its a payday weekend after all. Hopefully, the pay that I would be getting is enough to buy the things I need... or want.Ü

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