Thursday, March 06, 2008

Panagbenga 2008 (Day 2)

We really didn't have much sleep from the previous day because of the incredibly hard time we had when we were trying to hail a cab so we can go home. We didn't know that there was some unwritten law in Baguio regarding getting a cab during night time. Apparently, cab drivers there can afford to choose their passengers that the only way for a person to be able to ride a cab is if you get lucky that one of them pulls over somewhere near you because they have to drop off a passenger. Other than that, it would be best to know how to get to your destination via jeepney or by walking.Ü

Anyway, we did manage to wake up early the following day to catch the preparations for the Panagbenga Street Dance.

Street Dance Preparation

When we learned that the Panagbenga Street Dance was about to start we tried to make our way down to the bottom of Session Road to get a better place to stay and take photos of the parade. We even tried to steal some photos along the way but the people kept on calling our attention because we were blocking their view.


Kids started to get crankyÜ

After the parade, we ate lunch at Andok's along Session Rd. then went back to our transient house for a rest. We tried to review our photos on the small LCDs of our camera's to try and save more space for the Flower parade the following day. We also waited for our photography guru, Ultimate Master Drin Collantes a.k.a. UMDC (famous for his world class photo watermark/signature DCP/2008) to arrive in Baguio. However, he missed the earliest bus ride to Baguio and I believe there were also some problems with the bus liners that day because of the thousands of people who wanted to go see the Panagbenga. We (Master Randy, Master Aaron and I) left for SM Baguio for another shoot around 6pm and meet up with UMDC. The Itchyworms would be playing there plus we also need to back up our photos just to be safe. We do not want to run out of memory card space during the flower parade nor do we want to go back home to Manila with no photos because our memory cards crashed. Good thing Master Randy had his portable hard drive with him. You're my gadgets idol Master Randy!Ü


My Masters (L-R: Master Randy, Ultimate Master Drin Collantes, Master Aaron)

The Itchyworms

As usual, we had another hard time getting a cab ride back to our transient home but it was not as hard as our first night. Thank God!Ü

Another good day for a photo op over. We capped the night off by drinking beer. Sad part was, the four of us shared the single 500ml of Red Horse because the store near our transient house was closed. WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS, RIGHT?hehe

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