Saturday, February 09, 2008

12th Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

I've been wanting to go to Clark Economic Zone for the Philippine International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta since last year. I finally got to see the spectacle dubbed as the country's biggest aviation sports event (according to the website I was able to get my parents to come with me to watch the event and I have to say that it is an awesome sight to behold! I only wish I had an ID pass so I could be inside the field right next to the balloons. I inquired about how to get one and according to the lady, the ID pass was only for the media. Not sure if that is correct. When I was in line to buy our entrance tickets, I saw some of the guys who were also in line got to go inside the event proper. I was not really very happy with my photos because the balloons were facing the sunrise and I had a hard time getting the right exposure for my shots. I had to do some major post processing for several of my photos.

Up, up and away!

A flying octopus

While waiting for the balloons


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