Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My New Toys...

Last Friday, I asked my Dad to accompany me to Quiapo, Manila to buy some camera stuff. I needed (more like wanted) an external flash and a battery grip for camera in order for me to prepare for Ryan Alzona's wedding. Hidalgo Street in Quiapo really is a photographer's heaven. I was soooo amazed at the low prizes and the amount of camera gear available there that I did not care if there were tons of people around and the scorching heat that day since we got there around 10:30-11AM. We first went to Henry's to by a flash and because I was on a very tight budget that I had to borrow money from my Mom, I bought the cheaper 430EX instead of the 580EX. Php13000 vs Php20000? I think it would be a no brainer if I only had a budget of Php20k, right? (Sigh...) I was also hoping to buy the battery grip from them but unfortunately, they had no stock. So we had to go and canvas for a battery grip around and I ended up buying it for Php6500 at Avenue. Not bad, I think. I even went over budget by buying an extra battery for Php2000.

I hope the salary I would be getting is big enough for me to pay my Mom and last til the next pay day. I was even contemplating on buying the Sto-Fen worth Php1000 but if I did, we would have gone home with only Php300 in our pockets. So sad... :( But hey! Even if I'm in SUPER TIPID MODE, all I can say is... IT WAS WORTH IT! :) Maybe when I save enough money, I'll go back there... But that's definitely not anytime soon.

Here's one of the shots I took that night. I'll post the rest as soon as I have the time.

Karingking and Pacasoy with little baby brother Filly.Ü

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