Saturday, February 17, 2007

Globelines Broadband

No, this is not an advertising post to promote Globe's newest promo. I am trying out Karen's internet connection which is bundled with their Globe phone line, P995 Globeline phone and broadband package. According to their website, this package comes with a 384kbps internet broadband connection. Not bad right? Well... let's see.

I had no problems hooking up their internet connection since everything is practically, plug and play! No software configurations needed. Hooray! A big thumbs up for that! Everything came with a very simple, single page instruction manual on how to setup the modem and connections using either the USB or the ethernet. Another good one since those with no NICs can still connect using their USB ports. However, I think it would require a USB 2.0 to maximize its use. Not sure about that though because I chose to connect via ethernet.Ü

Let's move on to its connection speed. So far, in using it for less than 30mins, I've gotten several page cannot be displayed while surfing and having a minimum of 3 IEs open. I had to refresh each IE and so far, I think it looks good with just 2 IEs open. This is a little frustrating, though. A 384kbps connection speed should be able to handle more than that, right? It might be because I'm used to a fast connection at home and in the office but hey, it still beats using a dial-up connection for surfing and blogging!Ü I think Windows Vista's very paranoid security settings is also affecting the speed because of the phishing check it does when viewing websites. I even tried using McAfee's speed test and it gave a 60Kbps result. Slow? Yeah... Then again, it still beats dial-up.Ü

For those who are looking for a good broadband connection and do not have a phone line, Globelines' phone and broadband package is a good option to consider. They have other packages with faster internet connection speeds that are worth looking at because of the big difference with about Php600 additional cost from the Php995 that Karen got. Of course, it would all depend on how often you connect to the internet or if you use the internet for things other than just surfing the web.

1 comment:

Pacs Pacunayen said...

thanks for sharing the info. :)